Friday Favourites #2

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you had a good week. We’ve been having very sunny, warm weather here in Lisbon — which makes me feel like I’m on Holiday and that I need to get to the beach ASAP. If, however, it’s still pretty cold where you are, here’s some reading/viewing to do over the weekend.

— A great review by Edan Lepucki on the book Selfish, Shallow and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have Kids, edited my Megan Daum. I was interested in reading the book before, but Lepucki’s review makes me want to pick it up immediately.

— Stephanie from the Yarn Harlot blog met Chris Hadfield and it was pretty much the cutest thing ever.

Why is Jane Austen so popular? Why indeed? I like her because she’s funny, sarcastic, kind of mean and not afraid to throw all that in an otherwise conventional romance novel. Plus, I like pretty dresses and British accents.

— If you are interested in my bae Jane, then check out Ron Lit’s videos about her novels. Actually, watch all her videos. She’s smart, funny, and academic in a really cool way. I love her.

— Since it’s sunny, it’s about time to revisit one of my all-time favourite albums, Toro y Moi’s Anything in Return. Which I secretly listen to all year round, shh.

— Melody’s excursion to a Latvian mittens workshop. Check out her Instagram feed for several more pictures. She also talks about the experience on her podcast.

— Let’s all take a moment to appreciate how cool it is that Yoshi’s Woolly World is an actual game.

How was your week? What are you knitting/spinning/sewing/reading/working on? Let me know in the comments!

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